- meeting ?Religions and Cultures? organized by the S.Egidio Community in Milan, Mohamed Nour Dachan (president of the UCOII, Union of the Muslims Communities and Organizations in Italy)) and member of Islamic Conference(left.) with Shlemon Warduni catholic bishop in Bagdad ....- meeting "Religioni e Culture" organizzato dalla Comunità S.Egidio a Milano, Mohamed Nour Dachan (presidente dell' UCOII, Unione delle Comunità ed Organizzazioni Islamiche in Italia) e membro della Consulta Islamica (a sin.) con Shlemon Warduni vescovo cattolico a Bagdad
- meeting ?Religions and Cultures? organized by the S.Egidio Community in Milan, Mohamed Nour Dachan (president of the UCOII, Union of the Muslims Communities and Organizations in Italy)) and member of Islamic Conference(left.) with Shlemon Warduni catholic bishop in Bagdad ....- meeting "Religioni e Culture" organizzato dalla Comunità S.Egidio a Milano, Mohamed Nour Dachan (presidente dell' UCOII, Unione delle Comunità ed Organizzazioni Islamiche in Italia) e membro...
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