- Milano, il complesso di case popolari Iacp di via Emilio Bianchi, periferia nord della città, degradato ed ad alto tasso di abusivismo e criminalità (Giugno 1992). La guardia privata inviata dal Comune per sorvegliare la portineria
- Milan, the Iacp social housing district in via Emilio Bianchi, northern outskirts of the city, degraded and with a high rate of illegal occupation and crime (June 1992). The private guard sent by the municipality to guard the gatehouse
- Milan, the Iacp social housing district in via Emilio Bianchi, northern outskirts of the city, degraded and with a high rate of illegal occupation and crime (June 1992). The private guard sent by the municipality to guard the gatehouse
Filename: Mi_viaBianchi30.jpg
Copyright Dino Fracchia
Copyright Dino Fracchia