- 20 years from the nuclear incident of Chernobyl, in front of the barracks of Chernobyl's firemen has been erected the monument to the "Liquidators", the civil and military personnel (more than 300.000 persons) that worked in proibitive conditions and with insufficient protections in order to put in safety the exploded reactor, very many of them have died subsequently for the effects of radiations..- 20 anni dall'incidente nucleare di Chernobyl, davanti alla caserma dei pompieri...
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Copyright © Dino Fracchia
Copyright © Dino Fracchia
centrale nucleare, Ukraina, contamination, contaminazione, catastrophe, catastrofi, catastrofe, radioactivity, radioattività , nuclear power station, nuclear energy, energia nucleare, centrali nucleari, pompiere, pompieri, Vigili del Fuoco, fireman, firefighter, vigile del fuoco, news, news, news, Civil Defense