Italian Joint Force Haeadquarters

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- The IT-JFHQ is a command structure capable of projecting, at very short warning, to distances also high from the Motherland, integrated without major adjustments in multinational contexts and Coalitions, in response to a crisis and in full logistical and operational autonomy. Rangers of mountain paratroopers battalion Monte Cervino..- L?IT-JFHQ è una struttura di comando in grado di proiettarsi, con brevissimo preavviso, a distanze anche elevate dalla Madrepatria, integrabile senza particolari adattamenti in contesti multinazionali e o di Coalizione, in risposta ad una crisi ed in piena autonomia logistica ed operativa. Rangers del battaglione Monte Cervino alpini paracadutisti
- The IT-JFHQ is a command structure capable of projecting, at very short warning, to distances also high from the Motherland, integrated without major adjustments in multinational contexts and Coalitions, in response to a crisis and in full logistical and operational autonomy. Rangers of mountain paratroopers battalion Monte Cervino..- L?IT-JFHQ è una struttura di comando in grado di proiettarsi, con brevissimo preavviso, a distanze anche elevate dalla Madrepatria, integrabile senza...
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