- Milano, protesta dei riders per le condizioni di lavoro e contro la decisione della compagnia di trasporto regionale Trenord di non ammettere più le biciclette sui treni
- Milan, protest of the riders for the working conditions and against the decision of the regional transport company Trenord to no longer allow bicycles on trains
- Milan, protest of the riders for the working conditions and against the decision of the regional transport company Trenord to no longer allow bicycles on trains
Filename: G050948.jpg
Copyright Dino Fracchia
Copyright Dino Fracchia
immigrant, Glovo, job insecurity, precariato, precari, precario, home delivery, consegna a domicilio, immigrants, immigrati, exploitation, sfruttamento, new economy, nuova economia, workers, worker, temporary work, lavoro temporaneo, immigrati, Italia, work, lavoro, immigrazione, immigration, immigrato, immigrated, protesta, protest, manifestazione, rally, demonstration, Just Eat