Genoa G8 six years after

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- Demonstration to ask the government commission of inquiry about police abuses during  G8 summit of 2001 and for protest against the heavy penalties requested in the trial to  young demonstrators who participated in the riots....- Manifestazione per chiedere la commissione governativa di inchiesta sugli abusi della polizia durante il summit G8 del 2001 e in protesta per le pesanti pene chieste al processo contro i giovani manifestanti che parteciparono agli scontri
- Demonstration to ask the government commission of inquiry about police abuses during G8 summit of 2001 and for protest against the heavy penalties requested in the trial to young demonstrators who participated in the riots....- Manifestazione per chiedere la commissione governativa di inchiesta sugli abusi della polizia durante il summit G8 del 2001 e in protesta per le pesanti pene chieste al processo contro i giovani manifestanti che parteciparono agli scontri
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