- il 23 dicembre 1990 la banda criminale detta "della UNO bianca", già responsabile di numerosi omicidi e rapine, assale un campo nomadi alla periferia di Bologna, uccidendo due persone; funerale delle vittime
- December 23, 1990 the criminal gang said " white UNO" (from the name of a Fiat car model), already responsible for several murders and robberies, attack a nomad camp on the outskirts of Bologna, killing two people; funeral of victims
- December 23, 1990 the criminal gang said " white UNO" (from the name of a Fiat car model), already responsible for several murders and robberies, attack a nomad camp on the outskirts of Bologna, killing two people; funeral of victims
Filename: S010170.jpg
Copyright Dino Fracchia
Copyright Dino Fracchia
emarginazione, victims, vittime, murder, omicidio, crime, criminalità , gypsies, gypsy, Italia, marginalization, nomad, nomade, nomadi, nomads, zingari, zingaro, social iussues, news, Rom