- Adele Faccio, leader del Partito Radicale e del movimento per l'autodeterminazione delle donne, a Bruxelles davanti a palazzo Berlaymont, sede della Commissione Europea, per una manifestazione pacifista ed antinucleare nell'estate del 1978
- Adele Faccio, leader of the Italian Radical Party and the movement for self-determination of women, in front of Berlaymont pakaace, headquarters of European Commission, for a pacifist and antinuclear demonstration in the summer of 1978
- Adele Faccio, leader of the Italian Radical Party and the movement for self-determination of women, in front of Berlaymont pakaace, headquarters of European Commission, for a pacifist and antinuclear demonstration in the summer of 1978
Filename: anni70_655.jpg
Copyright Dino Fracchia
Copyright Dino Fracchia
peace movement, United Europe, Europa Unita, EU, bianco e nero, black and white, movimento pacifista, antimilitarism, antimilitarismo, pacifism, pacifismo, Radical Party, Partito Radicale, historical photo, foto storica, politics, politica, anni 70, anni '70, aborto, abortion, femminismo, femminista, feminism, feminist, ritratto, portrait, Adele Faccio