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- Milano, quartiere CityLife, Torre Hadid ( headquarter milanese di Generali Assicurazioni), torre Libeskind (PricewaterhouseCoopers) e Torre Isozaki ( nuovo quartier generale di Allianz Italia),  lo Storto, il Curvo ed il Dritto<br />
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- Milan CityLife district, Hadid tower (Milan Assicurazioni Generali headquarters), Libeskind tower (PricewaterhouseCoopers) and Isozaki tower (new headquarters of Allianz Italy), the Crooked, the Curved and the Straight
- Milano, quartiere CityLife, Torre Hadid ( headquarter milanese di Generali Assicurazioni), torre Libeskind (PricewaterhouseCoopers) e Torre Isozaki ( nuovo quartier generale di Allianz Italia), lo Storto, il Curvo ed il Dritto

- Milan CityLife district, Hadid tower (Milan Assicurazioni Generali headquarters), Libeskind tower (PricewaterhouseCoopers) and Isozaki tower (new headquarters of Allianz Italy), the Crooked, the Curved and the Straight