- Sesto San Giovanni, luglio 2017; gli operai licenziati della General Electric Power, ultima fabbrica chiusa nella zona industriale della città, presidiano lo stabilimento da nove mesi per impedire che la proprietà porti via i macchinari.
- Sesto San Giovanni, July 2017; fired workers of General Electric Power, the last factory shut down in the industrial area of the city, guarding the plant from nine months to prevent the property from taking off the machinery.
- Sesto San Giovanni, July 2017; fired workers of General Electric Power, the last factory shut down in the industrial area of the city, guarding the plant from nine months to prevent the property from taking off the machinery.
Filename: G046161.jpg
Copyright Dino Fracchia/buenaVista photo
Copyright Dino Fracchia/buenaVista photo